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Human-oriented management to enhance the enterprise competitiveness!
Wanda always implements the human-oriented management and makes it as the key drive for enhancing the enterprise competitiveness.

Attracting talents through all channels and invite the joining of talents from everywhere.
The group has expanded its channels of attracting talents by the mode of “two walk-ins and various channels”. First, we will walk in advanced talent markets and attract various kinds of talents needed by the enterprise. Second, we will walk in universities to talk and communicate with the graduates, and carry out the divergent directions. We also attract talents through international co operations, head hunters and building HR website, etc.

Granting more freedom in talent management and realized the reasonable personnel collocation.
Wanda persists the principle of “the virtuous person is respected; the wit person stays aside the virtuous, the able person take the medium position and the merit person leads the team”, and has set up a personnel system of “any cadre nominated can be dismissed, any personnel introduced can e fired, any institution set up can be retrieved, and any high payment can be cancelled”. Create a perfect personnel environment and competition system through implementing various policies such as, the employees design their own career plan, comprehensive performance assessment, education and training, alternate-post practices, etc.

Create good environment to keep the talent and maintain the core competitiveness for the enterprise.
Wanda implements a talent maintaining strategy of “sincerity, career, treatment and culture”. For example, we implement regular leader visit, build up home of the staffs, construct expert buildings, well operate the staffs’ canteen, and organize weekend cinema, calligraphy and photography, and cultural and physical contests, etc, through which we enhance the self-identity of the staffs and keep the talent with sincerity. We help the staff design their career and bring them sense of achievement and pride on their positions, thus form the sense of responsibility and belonging as “I am proud of the prosperity of the enterprise and am disgraced of the declining of the enterprise”, therefore keep the talents with career. Continuously reform the payment system, and implement paid vacation, buy insurance for the whole crew to dissolve their fear of worries in the rear. Therefore keep the talents with treatment. We will continuously enhance the cultural construction and persist human-oriented management, therefore keep talents with culture.

Let all rivers run to the sea, and the most persistent one lead the run; let thousands of boats compete and any one can be the first
The personnel concept of Wanda is and will always promote its robust and fast growth.